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Car Thing

Rest in peace

Line drawing an electronic device with very simple controls

Rest in peace Spotify© Car Thing. This recently discontinued device was a really fresh experience for audio. Even the packaging for this thing was a great experience. When reflecting on it’s 3-years of use, I found more utility for at my desk than in the car. That big dial you see allowed me physical volume control when I was playing music on Zoom for my coworkers. During those pandemic years I was actually well known as a DJ and provider of vibes among my colleagues. They were attending too many boring meetings and I had figured out how to provide a high-quality stream. That dial was a cool way to control the music volume separately than the rest of my computer audio. Now all of that is gone.

I’m not really the reactionary type – but this is a really good excuse to switch to Apple Music out of protest. Apparently in December 2024 the device is going to turn into a brick 🧱. The Car Thing discontinued FAQ even tells me to dispose of it according to local electronic waste guidelines… I’m not going to do that. I’ll keep it mounted on the wall in hopes that it one day gets revived or I can hack its internals to help me stream music from some other expendable service.

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